
CrimeRangers.com Uniting Platform

Dear, Private Initiative in Crime Control supporters,
Blog now has a member site with groups for every question. We started in lithuanian (after new hero Drasius Kedys inspiration to wake up about pedophilia and black groups in Justice system), but you can join and:
* write in main Forum
* create other Group for special questions,
* invite your known people,
* have a forum for your group
and of course to have your own page with blogs, video, photo, RSS, other widgets and more

www.CrimeRangers.com administration
Mindaugas A.

P.S. If you heard about pedophilia scandal and missing(from 5th Oct'09 till now) hero Drasius Kedys, please help by simply joining SOcial networks http://MySpace.com/DrasiusKedys, http://TWITTER.com/DrasiusKedys, http://NETLOG.com/DrasiusKedys, http://CrimeRangers/DrasiusKedys ...etc) mentioned here:

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